The instrument can be optically configured to suit the needs of the sample by means of a continually adjustable slit for precise control of spectral resolution and beam size adjustment by means of an attenuating wheel. Precise wavelength accuracy is ensured by the integrated Mercury Emissions Lamp used for automatic correction of spectral deviation. A whole host of specialised accessories are available to suit the specific requirement of the sample.
The UV1000+ Spectrophotometer incorporates dual monochromator technology, making it well suited to even the most demanding applications in all areas of UV-Visible Spectroscopy, including:
- Pharmaceutical
- Material Science
- Metrological Verification
- Biotechnology
- Food Safety
- Research
Standard Features of Double Beam Double Monochromator UV 1000+:
- Both 60mm and 150mm integrating sphere for diffuse reflectance measurements.
- Absolute and specular reflectance measurement accessories.
- Polarizing optics.
- Thermostatic cell holders for temperature control.
- Various long and short path length cell holders.
- Automated cell changers for both sample and reference beams.
- Tablet dissolution accessory for pharmaceutical quality control.