UV 3200

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UV 3200

The two detectors measure sample and reference respectively and simultaneously for optimizing measurement accuracy. They provide excellent performance for measurements in the range of 190 to 1100nm. They are suitable for pharmaceutical, biochemical and clinical lab applications as well as routine applications such as quantitative analysis, kinetics, wavelength scan, multiple components and DNA/protein.

Standard Features of Double Beam Spectrophotometer - (UV 3200)
• PC Windows application software make these instruments versatile.
• Variable slits (bandwidths)
• For stand-alone instruments, all software methods are included as built-in standard, this eliminates the need of
• Online software upgrade via internet helps to keep it updated.
• Data Download-to-PC software expands the data storage to unlimited.
Typical Specification

Specification Description
Model 3200
Optical System Double Beam Optical System with Automatic 8-Cell Changer
Wavelength Range 190nm to 1100nm
Working Mode Stand alone and PC controlled with window based application software UV/Vis Analyst
Spectral Band Width Variable 0.5, 1, 2, 4 nm
Monochromator Double beam hollow graphic matings 1200 lines/mm
Wavelength Display 0.1nm
Wavelength Setting 0.1nm
Wavelength Accuracy ± 0.1 nm @656.1nm D2
± 0.3nm (190 to 1100nm)
Wavelength Repeatability <0.1nm
Stray Light 0.02% @ 340nm for NaNO2
0.25% @ 198nm for KCl
Optional Accessories Specular Reflection Accessory, Integrating Sphere 60mm / 100mm
Automatic 8 Cell changer, Rectangular cell holder for variable path length
Large sample compartment having stable and reproducible mounting of accessories for easy use of different cells
Peltier Solid Sample holder
Photometric Range (Approx.) 0-400%T Absorbance -4 to 4
Photometric Accuracy ± 0.002 Abs(0.5)
± 0.004 Abs(1.0)
± 0.006 Abs(2.0)
Photometric Reproducibility 0.001 Abs(0.5 Abs)
0.001 Abs(1.0 Abs)
0.003 Abs(2.0 Abs)
Baseline Stability < 0.0002 Abs/H @ 500 nm
Baseline Flatness ± 0.0005 Abs
Noise Level 0.000016 Abs RMS @ 500 nm
Scan Speed 1-6000nm per Minute
Light Source Tungsten and Deuterium Lamp, pre-aligned
Output USB Port and Parallel Port (Printer)
DNA/Protein Measurement Included
Dimensions (W x D x H) 600 x 450 x 200 mm
Weight 22kg
Memory USB Memory Devices (standard accessory)
Wavelength Slew Rate 6500 nm/min.
Lamp Interchange Wavelength Automatic interchange linked to wavelength. The interchange wavelength can be set freely.
Detector Silicon Photodiode (Dual)
PC Models Standard with windows based application software UV/Vis Analyst

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