TEC services Thermal Aerosol Generator, Compact (Inert Gas)

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TEC services Thermal Aerosol Generator, Compact (Inert Gas)

TEC Services is proud to become the only US and Canadian distributor of this revolutionary thermal aerosol generator manufactured by S & M Electronics Limited. The Compact thermal aerosol generator is designed especially for testing of air handler units and/or HEPA filter systems from 5,300 to 53,000 cfm.

Standard Features

Technical Specifications

The Compact uses simple, easy to operate controls.  The aerosol concentration output capacity is ideal for testing of air handler units or for testing of filtration systems with air volumes up to 53,000 cfm.

The Compact operates on 115 VAC** and requires an external source of inert gas for operation.  The inert gas most commonly used is Nitrogen, but Argon, CO2, and Helium are also examples of inert gas that may be used as a propellant.

The generator utilizes a shoulder strap for carrying, easy to use large fill port and sight glass for viewing the oil level.  Between the lightweight cabinet and the quickness in which it’s operable from a cold start, this machine is the most portable and convenient thermal on the market!

For more information, please visit www.sandmelectronics.com   ** 220 – 240 VAC / 50 – 60 HZ Available


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