The Pharmag Instruments Bottle Cap Torque Tester 201 comes with High Accuracy and High Resolution. It can be used to measure the torque value. It is easy to operate. The force gauge can display the Torque direction. It has the white background light. The Bottle Cap Torque can store 20 Batch values with date and time. It measures the Units Inch.lbs/ N.m/ KP. Data can transfer from RS232 to PC during every test.
- Compatibility: High Resolution, High Accuracy and Easy to operate.
- Real-time Data Transfer: It can transmit the data through RS-232 to PC during every test.
- Unit selection & Conversion: Units available:
- Parameter Measurements: Very low; low; high; very high, which permit to detect and display messages of quality in relation to the detected torque (visualization on bar-graph).
- Memorization of 4 thresholds: The Bottle Cap Torque Tester can set the Upper and Lower limit Deviation value to judge the measured results. It has a buzzer which can alarm automatically with sound and light.
- Display: Monochrome Graphical Display.
- Results Storage: Measures 20 batch data values with date and time available.