The AA8000 Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer is a double beam with sealed and vibration free optical system, having Czerny-turner Monochromator with Holographic grating (1800 lines/mm). It’s a high performance automated instrument designed to meet the requirements of the modern laboratory. Due to its versatility and performance it can be used for a wide range of applications including: Agriculture, Soil, Environmental, Food, Metal, Mining, Petrochemical, Clinical, Pharmaceutical.
Standard Features of Fully Automatic True Double Beam - Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AA8000)
Benchtop Model.
- PC system built into the instrument as standard. Windows professional platform with latest version operating system.
- Full software control of the instrument and autosampler.
- Pre-installed AA-Win Software GLP and 21- CFR Part 11 Compliant, export of data to other applications and integrated QC Protocol.
- Automatic 8 lamp turret controlled and optimized by the AA-Win software.
- Automatic alignment and optimization of energy using coded lamps & built-in power supply.
- GLP compliant software is now available for all AA8000 Configurations.
- D2 lamp or Self reversal background systems.
- High precision minimal optics ensures maximum for flame and furnace both light throughput to the computer controlled Czerny-Turner monochromator
- High sensitivity absorbance better than 0.9abs for 5ppm Cu.
- A universal autosampler is available which can be used for flame as well as graphite furnace system with Auto Dilution facility.
- Absorption and Emission modes are standard as well as peak height, peak area, sequential and manual integration modes.
- Autoflame Ignition. Nebulizer Interlock for gas leakage etc.
- New upgrade available with Full Automation for Multi-Element Analysis.
- Spray chambers chemically inert material capable of handling all corrosive materials.
Software Features
- Built in AA Cookbook for all elements.
- Easy built in user Tools.
- Automatic programming multiples of 8 elements approx 32.
- Instrument controlled via built in PC.
- Hallow Cathode Lamp Energy Graph.
- Normal, Standard addition and standard curve calibration methods supported.
- Flexible and comprehensive results database filters to select and display the required data.
- Validation Package:
Validation should able to be performed by the operator.
Automatic OQ test available.- Height of Burner Head - stored in method
Gas Flow Control: Fully Automatic, Software operated mass flow control for Fuel Flow. Total gas flow control system to maintain gas flow (Ratio of fuel/Oxidant) at set levels even when subjected to outside variations like nebulizer adjustments. Automatic gas flow adjustment during change over between Air / C2H2 & N2O.
Typical Specification
Wavelength Range 185nm – 915nm Optics True double Beam, Sealed & Vibration free optical system with a reflective optical compartment. Detector PMT (wide range) Monochromator Czerny-turner type with Holographic Grating of 1800 lines/mm and Reciprocal Linear Dispersion better than 1.6 nm/mm, focal length 300mm. Spectral Bandwidth Adjustable slit from 0.1 nm. to 2 nm. (software selectable) Wavelength Accuracy ±0.15nm Wavelength Reproducibility < 0.05nm Resolution 0.2nm ± 0.02nm Baseline stability 0.005A/30min Sensitivity(Cu) >0.9 Absorbance or better for 5 ppm Cu solution Detection Limit Cu < 0.004 μg/ml (flame) Cd < 0.4 x 10-12 g (graphite furnace) Repeatability Cu < 0.7% ( Air/Acetylene flame)
Ba < 1.0% ( Nitrous oxide/Acetylene flame)
Cu < 2.0% Cd < 2.0% (Graphite Furnace)
Background Correction Deuterium Arc / Self reversal upto 2.5 Absorbance Characteristic correction Cu < 0.02 μg/ml, Ba < 0.15 mg/ml (NO/Acetylene) Burner Heads Nebuliser High Efficiency Nebuliser Burner Head Titanium Alloy Atomization Chamber Corrosion-resistant material Position Adjustment Automatic changeover (AA8000GF) Manual (AA8000F)
Automatic Setting of Optimum Height for Flame Burner.
Burner movement in horizontal & vertical direction by software.
Safety Functions (Interlocks) Burner Identification, Flame Sensor, Gas leak Sensor, Low Gas Pressure Sensor, Drain Trap Sensor, Power Loss Protection, Circulation Water (graphite), Over Temperature Sensor (graphite)