About the Client

Pollucon Laboratories is one of the most diversified testing service providers in India. They conduct monitoring and analysis of all environmental parameters in air, water, soil and hazardous waste including organic and inorganic.

The Challenge

Adani Mormugao Port Terminal Pvt. Ltd. (AMPTPL) is located on the South West coast of India, in the state of Goa. It is a fully mechanized coal handling facility capable of handling Panamax and capsize vessels. Handling coal generates high dust pollution (PM1, PM2.5, and PM10). The particulate matters tend to disperse and increase the particulate matter concentration in the surrounding areas. As AMPTPL is a part of the protected open type natural harbor in Goa, it is necessary to keep the dust pollution under the prescribed standards.

The Solution

Oizom partnered with Pollucon to provide Weathercom - Automatic Weather Station to Mormugao Port Terminal Pvt. Ltd. (AMPTPL) monitor real-time Temperature, humidity, wind speed, wind direction, rainfall, and ambient pressure. It consistently provided accurate and precise results even during high dust concentrations. The real-time data of wind speed and wind direction helped the authorities take timely decisions to operate coal handling facilities. It helped in managing the port activities such as transporting coal through conveyor belts during adverse weather conditions.

Your continuous meteorological monitoring instrument is very useful to us for knowing short time period changes in atmospheric weather such as temperature and humidity. Which is very helpful to us to study its impact on environment monitoring parameters.

The Result

Installing Weathercom at the port helped the authorities at the Adani Mormugao Port gain useful insights and operate the port. It resulted in significantly low dust pollution in the surrounding regions.
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